Water structuring device for the quality improvement of aromatic plants


The effect of the ALCHEWAT water structuring has been scientifically confirmed


Domenico Prisa *

CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies)


Research Article

GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 12(03), 017-023.

Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.12.3.0270

DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/gscbps.2020.12.3.0270

Publication history: Received on 20 August 2020; revised on 01 September 2020; accepted on 03 September 2020

Effect of structured water on vegetative growth of Lavander (A), Rosemary (B) and flowers of Lavander (C). Legend: (CT) control; (SW) structured water



The paper presents the results of research aimed at improving the growth of aromatic plants and stimulating microbial communities in the rhizosphere of two test plants (Lavender and Rosemary), using a water structuring device (Alchewat). The experiments, started in November 2019, were conducted in the greenhouses of CREA-OF in Pescia (PT). The experimental groups were: i) group without structured water, irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized; ii) group with structured water, irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized. The test showed a significant improvement in the agronomic parameters analyzed in Lavender and Rosemary plants treated with structured water. In particular, all plants treated with structured water showed a significant increase in plant height, vegetative and root weight, total flower biomass and total microbial count. In addition, there was a significant reduction in Lavender of the number of plants dried in structured water treatment and a positive trend in Rosemary, but not significant. The results of this experiment are in accordance with literature and field observation data that report a beneficial effect of structured water on plant growth, health, quantity and quality of yields. Also very interesting is the increase in the substrate of the theses treated with structured water of the number of useful microorganisms, which are probably supporters of the improvement of plant growth. The presence of microorganisms in the substrate can also affect the biotic and abiotic stress resistance of plants. These aspects consequently become very interesting for the grower who can reduce the use of water and fertilizers and increase the quality of the plants by using alternative techniques.

Effect of structured water on roots growth of Lavander (A) and Rosemary (B) Legend: (CT) control; (SW) structured water


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Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0


Author’s short biography:

Dr. Domenico Prisa is Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Crop Science Production (S.Anna-School of advances studies). Master of Science (MSc), Plant and Microbial Biotechnology (Pisa University). He is currently researcher at Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) - Landscaping Plants and Nursery Research Unit in Pescia (PT). Activities in ornamental plants and horticulture, with particular reference to the study of microorganisms and biostimulants on succulent plants and cacti. Speaker at several national and international conferences in floriculture, sustainable agriculture, innovative substrates and biostimulants, microbiology and beekeeping. His skills comprise biotechnologies and innovative crop techniques.